A p p e n d i x
A method of real-time recording in which
previously recorded data is erased (replaced)
as new material is recorded.
A parameter that boosts the level of the
signal in the area of the cutoff frequency. By
emphasizing the overtones in this area, this
can produce a distinctive “peaky” tone,
making the sound brighter and harder.
Return level:
See the entry for Send level.
An effect that simulates the acoustical
reverberance of a room or space. The sound
that reaches our ear usually includes not only
the direct sound, but also that was reflected
off the walls or ceiling. Reverb creates these
indirect reflections artificially.
An acronym for Registered Parameter
Number. These are a type of MIDI control
change message that are used to set Part
settings such as Pitch Bend Sensitivity or
Tuning, etc.
A term referring to each of the six types of
patterns that comprise a style. Patterns are
selected by specifying the style and the
Send level:
The amount of signal that is sent to a
specified bus line for processing by an effect.
The amount of signal that is returned from
the effect is the “return level”.
A block (or device) that records, edits,
modifies, and plays back a musical perfor-
mance in the form of MIDI messages.
Sequencer tracks:
Tracks which record and playback normal
MIDI sequence data. The QY70 has 16
sequencer tracks.
See the entry for Standard MIDI File.
This function mutes the playback of all tracks
except that of the selected track as long as
the track is soloed.
A musical composition created by recording
performance data on each track.
Standard MIDI File (SMF):
SMF is an acronym for Standard MIDI File; a
standard format that was created to allow
easy exchange of song data between
different sequencers. Most of today’s
software and hardware manufacturers
provide sequencers that can create and play
back Standard MIDI files.
Step recording:
The method of recording in which music is
input by entering notes one by one,
specifying the note length, velocity, and pitch
etc. of each note.
A collective name for pattern catagories (hip
hop, U.K. techno, etc. musical genres).
Styles are divided into six sections (intro, fill-
in, ending, etc.).
Sustain level:
The volume level of the note from the time
after the maximum level of the note is
reached, until the note played on the
keyboard is released.
The function or process of matching the
playback or recording tempo of a device with
a separated, external device such as another
sequencer or a rhythm machine.