Harmony Type List
No. Type Description
1 Duet This harmony type produces a duophonic melody with the second voice below the
melody line.
2 Trio This harmony type generates two voices in addition to the melody voice.
3 4Part Three harmony notes are generated to produce a four-note chord.
4 4 Part Jazz Similar to the preceding type, but depending on the chords played this type will
sometimes produce a more colorful sound.
5 Country Similar to Duet, but the second voice is above the melody line.
6 Octave One note is added an octave below the melody.
7 Tremolo The note(s) pressed and held is(are) repeatedly played at the preset tempo.
8 Tremolo Duet Combination of Tremolo and Duet; produces a duophonic melody with two voices played
9 Tremolo Octave Combination of Tremolo and Octave; produces a duophonic melody with two voices
played alternately (the second voice is an octave below the melody).
10 Strumming This type adds arpeggiated pattern to the melody.
11 Trio Delay Two notes slightly below the melody are added to create three parts. Additional notes are
delayed slightly.
12 Vibraphone & Jazz Guitar Two voices, Vibraphone and Jazz Guitar, below the melody are added to create three
13 Trumpet & Sax Two voices, Trumpet and Saxophone, below the melody are added to create three parts.
14 Back Vocal “Vocal” voice is added to the melody to get a vocal part in the background.
15 Strings “Strings” voice is added to the melody to create an orchestral atmosphere.
16 Forest “Twitterings” of a bird are added to the melody to create an effect as if you were playing
• The Harmonies except for the types 6,7 and 9
are applied to the R1 voice according to the
chords detected in the Accompaniment sec-