Quantize Value Note
4 Quarter note
6 Quarter note triplet
8 Eighth note
12 Eighth note triplet
16 Sixteenth note
24 Sixteenth note triplet
32 Thirty-second note
Press the SUB MENU [▼] button once so that “Execute? NO/YES” appears on the
display. Then press the [+] (YES) button to execute the quantize function, or the
[–] (NO) button to cancel (the display will return to “Quantize? YES”).
One measure of 8th notes before quantization
After quantization
Style Recording
After the quantize operation is completed, “Undo” will appear on the top line of the
display. Undo lets you undo the effect of applying the quantize function.
Pressing the [START/STOP] button will cause the quantized style to replay so that
you can check it.
Press the [+] (YES) button to undo the quantize operation.
Press the [–] (NO) button and the undo won’t be executed. The display will return
to “Quantize? YES.”
• After exiting from the
“Undo” screen, the
undo function cannot
be applied.
nd PiYESUndo?
Naming Styles
You can give your own name (8 characters or less) to user styles.
With the Style Record Ready Mode (or Rehearsal Mode) engaged and the target
style selected, use the SUB MENU [▲] and [▼] buttons so that “UserStyle...” appears
on the display. The current name for the style will be displayed at the upper right of
the display.
The method of setting the characters is the same as for Registration Naming (page
rSty1e: UseUserStyl