MOTIF Reference
Utility mode
Reference Utility mode
● [F1]-[SF3] General Effect Bypass
From this display you can select the specific
effect(s) to be bypassed when the [EFFECT
BYPASS] button (page 13) is turned on.
❏ Settings on (bypassed), off
● [F1]-[SF4] General Other
n For details, see page 264.
• Auto Load
Determines whether the Auto Load function is on or off.
When this is on, the MOTIF will automatically load the
specified files (from memory card or SCSI storage device)
to User memory — whenever the power is turned on. (See
above illustration for additional explanations.)
❏ Settings on, off
• Auto DemoLoad
The MOTIF features special Demo song data, which is
stored to ROM and should be loaded to DRAM for proper
operation (page 64). When this parameter is set to “on,”
the Demo song data is automatically loaded when the
power os turned on. This parameter determines whether
the Demo song data is automatically loaded (on) or not
(off) when turning the power on.
❏ Settings on, off
n When Auto Load is set to on, the Auto Demo Load
parameter cannot be set.
If this parameter is set to on, all User Voice, Performance,
Master, and System settings will be initialized to the
Factory settings when switching the power on the next
time. Important data should always be backed up to a
separate Memory Card or some other storage device.
• PowerOnMode
This determines the default power-on mode (and memory
bank) for the MOTIF — letting you select which condition
is automatically called up when you turn the power on.
❏ Settings See below.
When you switch the MOTIF on, the Performance Play
mode is entered and the first program number (USER:
001) is selected automatically.
Voice (User)
When you switch the MOTIF on, the Voice Play mode is
entered and the first program number of the User Voices
(USER: 001) is selected automatically.
Voice (PRE1)
When you switch the MOTIF on, the Voice Play mode is
entered and the first program number of the Preset Voices
(PRE 1: 001) is selected automatically.
When you switch the MOTIF on, the Voice Play mode is
entered and the first program number of the GM Voices
(GM: 001) is selected automatically.
When you switch the MOTIF on, the Voice/Performance
Program Number selected before you switched the power
off is recalled.
When you switch the MOTIF on, the Master Play mode is
entered and the first program number (001) is selected
• CtrlReset (Controller Reset)
Determines the status of the controllers (Modulation
Wheel, Aftertouch, Knobs, etc.) when switching between
voices. When this is set to “off,” the controllers are kept at
the current setting. When this is set to “on,” the
controllers are reset to the default states (below).
❏ Settings on, off
If you select “on,” the controllers will be reset to the
following states/positions:
Pitch Bend Center
Modulation Wheel Minimum
Aftertouch Minimum
Foot Controller Maximum
Breath Controller Maximum
Foot Switch Off
Expression Maximum
Foot Volume Maximum
Sustain Off
[F2] Interface settings
● [F2]-[SF1] I/O Input
From this display you can set parameters related to
audio input.
• A/DSource
The MOTIF features two different input connections for
transferring analog audio from an external device: the A/
D INPUT jacks or the mLAN terminal (when an optional
mLAN8E is installed). One or the other must be set; the
two cannot be used at the same time.
❏ Settings analog (A/D INPUT jack), mLAN