MOTIF Reference
Voice Edit mode
Reference Voice mode
● [F1]-[SF5] Drum Key Oscillator Other
From this display you can set various parameters
related to how the individual notes of the Drum
voice respond to the keyboard and MIDI data.
• AssignMode
When this is set to “single,” double playback of the same
note is prevented. This is useful when two or more
instances of the same note are received nearly
simultaneously, or without a corresponding note off
message. To allow playback of each instance of the same
note, set this to “multi.”
❏ Settings single, multi
n When the Alternate Group (AltGrp) parameter is
set to a setting other than “off,” this parameter is
unavailable, and “---” is shown in the display.
• RcvNoteOff (Receive Note Off)
Determines whether or not the selected Drum key
responds to MIDI Note Off messages. Setting this to “off”
can be useful for cymbal sounds and other sustaining
sounds. This lets you have the selected sounds sustain to
the length of their natural decay — even if you release the
note, or a Note Off message is received.
❏ Settings off, on
n This parameter is effective for Waves selected in
the [F1] - [SF1] Drum Key Oscillator Wave display
(page 150).
• AltGrp (Alternate Group)
Set the Alternate Group to which the Wave is assigned. In
a real drum kit, some drum sounds cannot physically be
played simultaneously, such as open and closed hi-hats.
You can prevent Waves from playing back simultaneously
by assigning them to the same Alternate Group. Up to 127
Alternate Groups can be defined. You can also select “off”
here if you wish to allow the simultaneous playback of
❏ Settings off, 1 ~ 127
● [F2]-[SF1]Drum Key Pitch Tune
• Coarse
Determines the pitch of each Drum Key Wave (or Normal
Voice) in semitones.
❏ Settings -48 ~+48
n If a Normal voice has been assigned to the key, this
parameter adjusts the position of its note (not its
pitch) relative to note C3. For example, let’s assume
the original Voice consists of a two-Element piano-
like sound up to note C3 and a two-Element string-
like sound from note C#3 upwards. Adjusting this
Coarse setting by +1 would not change the pitch of
the piano-like sound to C#3. Instead, note C#3 of
the original Voice (i.e., the string-like sound) would
be used.
• Fine
Determines the fine tuning for the pitch of each Drum Key
Wave (or Normal Voice).
❏ Settings -64 ~+63
● [F2]-[SF2] Drum Key Pitch
Velocity Sensitivity
From this display you can determine how the pitch
of the Drum key responds to velocity.
• Pitch
Determines how the pitch of the selected Drum key
responds to velocity. For positive values, the harder you
play the key, the higher the pitch becomes. For negative
values, the harder you play the key, the lower the pitch.
❏ Settings -64 ~+63
● [F3]-[SF1] Drum Key Filter Cutoff
Basic Structure (page 46)
The MOTIF lets you apply a low pass filter and high
pass filter to each individual Drum key — giving
you exceptionally detailed and comprehensive sonic
control over the Drum voice.
n This parameter is effective for Waves selected in
the [F1] - [SF1] Drum Key Oscillator Wave display
(page 150).
• LPF Cutoff
Determines the Cutoff frequency of the Low Pass Filter.
❏ Settings 0 ~ 255
• LPF Reso
Determines the amount of Resonance (harmonic
emphasis) applied to the signal at the Cutoff frequency.
❏ Settings 0 ~ 31
• HPF Cutoff
Determines the Cutoff frequency of the High Pass Filter.
❏ Settings 0 ~ 255