MOTIF Reference
Song Job mode
Reference Song mode
● [F2]-01 Quantize
Quantization is the process of adjusting the timing
of note events by moving them closer to the nearest
exact beat. You can use this feature, for example, to
improve the timing of a performance recorded in
real time.
• Quantize Value (Resolution)
Determines to what beats the note data in the specified
track will be aligned.
❏ Settings
• Strength
The Strength value sets the “strength” by which note
events are pulled toward the nearest quantize beats.
A setting of 100% produces exact timing. A setting of 0%
results in no quantization.
❏ Settings 000 %~100 %
• SwingRate
Delays notes on even-numbered beats (backbeats) to
produce a swing feel.
For example, if the meter is 4/4 and the quantize value is
quarter notes, the 2nd and 4th beats of the measure will be
When a triplet quantize value is used, the last note of each
triplet is delayed.
When the quantize value is or , even-numbered
or beats will be delayed.
❏ Settings See below.
If the quantize v
alue is :50%~75%
A setting of 100% is equivalent to twice the length of the
specified quantize value. A setting of 50% produces exact
timing and therefore no swing feel. Settings above 51%
increase the amount of swing, with 75% being equivalent
to a dotted-note delay.
If the quantize v
alue is :66%~83%
A setting of 100% is equivalent to three times the length of
the specified quantize value. A setting of 66% produces
exact timing and therefore no swing feel. Settings above
67% increase the amount of swing, with 83% being
equivalent to a sextuplet delay.
If the quantize v
alue is :50%~66%
A setting of 100% is equivalent to twice the length of a d
or d note. A setting of 50% produces exact timing and
therefore no swing feel. Settings above 51% increase the
amount of swing, with 66% being equivalent to a triplet
n If a swing value other than 100% results in notes
being positioned after other non-swing notes, the
latter notes are delayed accordingly.
• GateTime
Determines the gate time (the length of time a note
sounds) of the even-numbered backbeat notes to enhance
the swing feel.
When a triplet quantize value is used, the gate time of the
last note of each triplet is adjusted.
When the quantize value is or , the gate time of the
even-numbered or beats will be adjusted.
A setting of 100% leaves the original gate time unchanged.
If an adjusted gate time value is less than 1, the MOTIF
sets the value to 1.
❏ Settings 000%~200%
32nd note
16th note triplet
16th note
8th note triplet
8th note
1/4 note triplet
1/4 note
16th note + 16th note triplet
8th note + 8th note triplet
Quarter-note length
Original data
(assuming 4/4 meter)
strength =100
strength =50
50% 75% 100%0%
Specified range
Front beat Back beat
66% 83% 100%0% 33%
Front beat Back beat
Specified range
Front beat Back beat
Specified range
50% 66% 100%0% 33%