MOTIF Reference
Song Edit mode
Reference Song mode
❏ Settings 000~127
• Data Entry MSB-LSB
❏ Settings 000~127
n Normally three types of control change data are
sent: RPN MSB (101), RPN LSB (100), and Data
Entry MSB (6). In the MOTIF, Data Entry LSB
(38) is added to this and the resulting group of
control change events is handled as one in this
display. For a complete list of the available RPN
and NRPN numbers and their corresponding
controls, refer to the MIDI Data Format in the
separate Data List booklet.
■ Non Registered Parameter Number (NRPN)
This event changes parameter values for each tone
generator part.
This event is used to edit sounds via MIDI, allowing
you to edit filter or EG settings, or adjust the pitch or
level for each instrument of a drum voice.
For a complete list of the available NRPN numbers and
their corresponding controls, refer to the MIDI Data
Format in the separate Data List booklet.
❏ Settings 000~127
• Data Entry MSB-LSB
❏ Settings 000~127
n Normally three types of control change data are
sent: NRPN MSB (99), NRPN LSB (98), and Data
Entry MSB (6). In the MOTIF, this group of
control change events is handled as one in this
display. For a complete list of the available RPN
and NRPN numbers and their corresponding
controls, refer to the MIDI Data Format in the
separate Data List booklet.
■ System Exclusive (Exc)
A type of MIDI message used to exchange data unique
to a specific model or type of device.
Unlike with other MIDI events, these events differ
depending on the manufacturer/device, and are
incompatible among different devices.
• Data
❏ Settings 00 ~7F, F7 (Data must be entered in
hexadecimal format.
Event View Filter
The explanations here apply to step #3 of the Basic
Procedure on page 189.
The MOTIF’s “Event View Filter” lets you select the
event types that appear on the Event List display. For
example, if you wish to edit only note events, place a
checkmark in the box next to “Note” as shown below
so that only the note events appear in the Event List
RPN MSB-LSB Data Entry
Press the [F6] button
to set checkmarks
into all boxes.
When the Control Change box is
checkmarked, you can specify the
desired Control Change number.
Press the [F5] button
to remove all
checkmarks at once.