MOTIF Reference
Voice Edit mode
Reference Voice mode
• FMOD (Filter Modulation Depth)
Determines the amount (depth) by which the LFO
waveform varies (modulates) the Filter Cutoff frequency.
The higher the value, the greater the amount of filter
❏ Settings 0 ~ 127
• AMOD (Amplitude Modulation Depth)
Determines the amount (depth) by which the LFO
waveform varies (modulates) the amplitude or volume of
the sound. The higher the value, the greater the amount of
amplitude modulation.
❏ Settings 0 ~ 127
● [F6] Normal Element EQ (Equalizer)
• Type
Determines the Equalizer Type. The MOTIF features a
wide selection of various equalizer types, which can be
used not only to enhance the original sound, but even
completely change the character of the sound. The
particular parameters and settings available depend on the
specific Equalizer Type that is selected.
❏ Settings
EQ L/H, P.EQ, Boost6, Boost12, Boost18, thru
EQ L/H (Low/High)
This is a “shelving” equalizer, which combines
separate high and low frequency bands.
.EQ (Parametric EQ)
The Parametric EQ is used to attenuate or boost signal
levels (gain) around the Frequency. This type features
32 different “Q” settings, which determine the
frequency band width of the equalizer.
Boost6 (Boost 6dB)/Boost12 (Boost 12dB)/Boost18
(Boost 18dB)
These can be used to boost the level of the entire signal
by 6dB, 12dB and 18dB, respectively.
If you select this, the equalizers are bypassed and the
entire signal is unaffected.
Drum Voice Edit
Basic Structure (page 45)
◆ Common edit and Drum Key edit
Each Drum voice consists of various Waves and/or
Normal voices, each assigned to notes across the
keyboard, from C0 to C6 (page 45). Use Drum
Common Edit to edit the settings that apply to all
Drum keys in the voice. There are two types of Drum
Voice Edit displays: those for Common Edit, and those
for editing individual keys (elements).
◆ Basic Procedure
Basic Structure (page 70)
1 Press the [VOICE] button to enter the Voice Play
mode. (The indicator lights.)
2 Select a Drum voice to be edited.
3 Press the [EDIT] button to enter the Voice Edit
mode. (The indicator lights.)
Low Freq
Low Gain
High Freq
High Gain
❏ Settings
50.1Hz ~ 2.00kHz
❏ Settings
503.8Hz ~ 10.1kHz
❏ Settings
-32 ~ 0 ~ +32
❏ Settings
-32 ~ 0 ~ +32
❏ Settings
-32 ~ 0 ~ +32
❏ Settings 139.7Hz ~ 12.9kHz
Q (Frequency Characteristic)
❏ Settings 0 ~ 31
Indicates a Common Edit display.
Drum Key
Indicates a display for editing a single key
(in this case, C 0)