IMX644 Manager Owner’s Manual
Here you can edit parameters and save parameter settings to a file.
• Header area
1 [Return to start window.] button
Click this to return to the starting screen.
A confirmation dialog box will appear; click [Yes] if you want to save your settings. A confirmation dialog box will ask
whether you want to save to the memory indicated in the Memory field if you’re editing online, or save to a file if you’re edit-
ing offline.
2 [Open parameter file.] button
Click this to access the Open File dialog box. Select the file (extension “.i6x”) containing the settings that you want to load,
and click the [Open] button.
If you open a file while editing online, the Transferring dialog box will appear, and the settings of the file will be sent to the
• Use caution; when a parameter file is loaded and sent to the IMX644, some settings may cause high-volume sound to be produced from
the speakers if the levels in the new file are higher than the previous settings.
3 [Save parameter file.] button
Click this to access the Save File dialog box. Enter a file name and click the [Save] button; a confirmation dialog box will ask
whether you want to save the current settings to the memory indicated in the Memory field. If you click [Yes], the settings will
be saved to memory and then saved to a file. If you click [No], the settings will be saved to a file without being saved to mem-
4 Online/Offline indication
This indicates the state of communication with the IMX644.
If you want to change the communication status from Offline to Online, press the [Return to start window.] button to return to
the starting screen.
5 Venue
This indicates the name of the venue (parameter file name). Click the name to access the “Venue Name” dialog box, where
you can edit the name of the venue. This is also used as the file name when you save the parameter file.
6 Memory
This indicates the name of the currently selected memory. Click the name to access the “Memory Name” dialog box, where
you can edit the name of the memory.
Basic operation in the Parameter Edit screen
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