Operating in weeded areas
Always avoid operating your watercraft in ar-
eas where weed growth is thick. If traveling in
weeded areas is unavoidable, operate the en-
gine alternately at partial throttle and full throt-
tle. Weeds tend to accumulate more at a
steady speed and at trolling speed. If weeds
clog the intake area and cause cavitation,
clean the jet intake and impeller. (See page
101 for cleaning procedures.)
Post-operation care
To keep your watercraft in top shape, always
take it out of the water after using it and per-
form the following procedures. Leaving the
watercraft in the water for extended periods
will accelerate the rate of normal deterioration
of the jet unit components and hull finish. Ma-
rine organisms and corrosion are some of the
conditions that can adversely affect the life of
many watercraft components.
(1) Remove the watercraft from the water.
(2) Wash down the hull, handlebars, and jet
unit with fresh water.
(3) Remove the seats and check the engine
compartment for water. To drain excess
water, remove the stern drain plugs, and
then raise the bow of the watercraft
enough to allow the water in the bilge to
drain out.
This watercraft is equipped with a jet vacuum
bilge draining system and an electric bilge
draining system that remove water from the
engine compartment while you are underway.
However, some residual water will remain,
therefore remove the stern drain plugs to
drain the water. (See page 63 for bilge drain-
ing procedures.)
(4) Place the watercraft in a horizontal posi-
UF1W11E0.book Page 81 Tuesday, May 27, 2008 8:50 AM