Operating your watercraft
Getting to know your watercraft
Operating your watercraft requires skills ac-
quired through practice over a period of time.
Take the time to learn the basic techniques
well before attempting more difficult maneu-
Operating your new watercraft can be a very
enjoyable activity, providing you with hours of
pleasure. However, it is essential to familiar-
ize yourself with the operation of the water-
craft to achieve the skill level necessary to
enjoy riding safely.
Before operating this watercraft, read this
owner’s/operator’s manual, the Riding Prac-
tice Guide, the Riding Instruction card, and all
labels on the watercraft. Pay particular atten-
tion to the safety information on page 10. Al-
so, watch the Basic Orientation Video
provided with your watercraft. These materi-
als should give you an understanding of the
watercraft and its operation.
Remember: This watercraft is designed to
carry the operator and up to 2 passengers.
Never exceed the maximum load limit or allow
more than 3 persons (or 2 persons if a water-
skier is being pulled) to ride the watercraft at
any time.
Learning to operate your watercraft
Before operating the watercraft, always per-
form the pre-operation checks listed on page
59. The short time spent checking the water-
craft will reward you with added safety and re-
Check state and local laws before operating
your watercraft.
Operate defensively at safe speeds and keep
a safe distance away from people, objects,
and other watercraft. Select a wide area to
learn in, where there is good visibility and light
boat traffic.
Use the buddy system—operate with some-
one nearby. Scan constantly for people, ob-
jects, and other watercraft. Be alert for
conditions that limit your visibility or block your
vision of others.
Attach the engine shut-off cord (lanyard) to
your left wrist and keep it free from the handle-
bars so that the engine stops if you, the oper-
ator, fall off.
Wear a personal flotation device (PFD). All
riders must wear a U.S. Coast Guard ap-
proved PFD that is suitable for personal wa-
tercraft use.
Wear protective clothing. Severe internal inju-
ries can occur if water is forced into body cav-
ities as a result of falling into the water or
being near the jet thrust nozzle. Normal swim-
wear does not adequately protect against
forceful water entry into the rectum and vagi-
na. All riders must wear a wetsuit bottom or
clothing that provides equivalent protection.
Such clothing includes thick, tightly woven,
sturdy and snug-fitting apparel such as den-
im, but does not include spandex or similar
Maximum load:
240 kg (530 lb)
Load is the total weight of cargo, oper-
ator, and passengers.
UF1W11E0.book Page 72 Tuesday, May 27, 2008 8:50 AM