When recording a drum kit voice in part R1 or R2, you can clear a
single drum instrument from the part by pressing the key corresponding
to the instrument to be cleared while holding down the C1 key on the
keyboard. (The C1 key is labeled “CANCEL.”) The metronome timing
guide can also be cleared in this way.
> Quantize the recorded part, if necessary...............................
You can “tighten up” the timing of a recorded part by using the PART
QUANTIZE functions in page 2 of the CUSTOM STYLE display to
align all the notes to a specified beat. Press the PAGE [>] button to dis-
play the function, then press the middle LCD button to select the
quantize size:
Once the required quantize size has been selected, press the START
LCD button to quantize the current part. The part will begin to play using
the new timing, and the START button will change to UNDO, allowing
you to undo the quantize operation and return to the pre-quantized data if
the results are not as you expected. You will not be able to UNDO once
another button has been pressed.
Creating Your Own Styles
Another useful recording aid is the SOLO LCD button: when this
button is pressed and highlighted, only the selected part will sound. Press
the SOLO button again to turn the solo function off and hear all parts in
the selected section.
32nd notes
16th note triplets
16th notes
8th note triplets
8th notes
quarter-note triplets
quarter notes