AW1600 Owner’s Manual
Convenient functions during mixdown/bounce operations
Mixdown and bounce operations
You can perform detailed editing of the dynamics parame-
ters in the same way as for the EQ parameters.
Press an [INPUT SEL] key, a pad 1–4, a
[TRACK SEL] key, or the [STEREO SEL] key
to select the channel whose dynamics
parameters you want to edit.
From the dynamics library, recall the set-
tings that are closest to what you have in
Repeatedly press the Selected Channel
section [DYN] knob or hold down the [DYN]
knob and use the CURSOR [ ]/[ ] keys to
access the EDIT page of the DYN screen.
1 ON/OFF button
Switches dynamics on/off.
Indicates the currently selected dynamics type. The
displayed indication has the following meaning.
• COMP .........................Compressor
• EXPAND .....................Expander
• COMPAND-H..............Compander (hard)
• COMPAND-S ..............Compander (soft)
• DUCKING ...................Ducking
C Response curve
This graph indicates the approximate response of
dynamics settings. The horizontal axis of the graph is
the input level, and the vertical axis is the output level.
Selects one of the following as the trigger signal (key-
in signal) that will control dynamics processing.
• SELF.............. The post-EQ signal of the currently
selected channel
• LEFT .............. The post-EQ signal of the adjacent
channel to the left
•AUX1.............. The signal immediately before the
master send level of the AUX 1 bus
•AUX2.............. The signal immediately before the
master send level of the AUX 2 bus
E GR (Gain Reduction)
Indicates the amount of gain reduction produced by
the dynamics processor, in a range of –18 dB to 0 dB.
F Output meter
Indicates the level of the signal after it has passed
through the dynamics processor.
G Parameters
Here you can edit the parameters of the dynamics pro-
cessor. The type of parameters and their ranges will
differ depending on the dynamics processor type. For
details on the types of parameter and their function,
refer to the appendix.
Move the cursor to the parameter that you
want to edit, and use the [DATA/JOG] dial to
edit the value.
To switch dynamics on/off, press the
[ENTER] key.
In the EDIT page, you can press the [ENTER] key to
switch dynamics on/off regardless of the cursor loca-
Please be aware that if you edit even one parameter in
the EDIT page of the DYN screen, the operation of the
Selected Channel section [DYN] knob will change as
follows for that channel.
Editing the dynamics parameters
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•You cannot change the dynamics type in this page. If you
want to use a different type, you must recall library settings
that use the desired type.
•You will not be able to select LEFT if you have selected input
channel 1, pad channel 1, track channel 1, or the stereo out-
put channel.
• Dynamics settings and operation are linked for paired chan-
nels and for the stereo output channel. In this case, dynamics
processing will operate simultaneously for both channels if
either channel exceeds the threshold level.