Using sample libraries
Quick loop sampler
AW1600 Owner’s Manual
Sample libraries contain sets of up to sixteen different samples that can be used by the Quick
Loop Sampler.
When the AW1600 is shipped from the factory, sets of samples such as drum loops and sounds
effects are stored on the hard disk as sample libraries. When you load one of these libraries,
samples will be assigned to each pad/sample bank, and you can use the pads to play the sam-
ples immediately. Here’s how to load a sample library and try it out.
In the Quick Loop Sampler section, either
repeatedly press the [SAMPLE EDIT] key or
hold down the [SAMPLE EDIT] key and use
the CURSOR [ ]/[ ] keys to access the
LIBRARY page of the SAMPLE screen.
1 List
This area displays a list of the sample libraries saved
on the hard disk.
B SORT field
These buttons sort the sample libraries shown in the
list, either alphabetically (NAME), by when they were
saved (OLD), or by their size (SIZE).
C LISTEN button
When you move the cursor to this button and press the
[ENTER] key, the button will be highlighted. If you
now press a pad 1–4, the sample assigned to sample
bank A of the currently selected sample library will
play repeatedly. Playback will stop when you press the
pad once again.
D RECALL button
This button recalls the library that is selected in the
list, and assigns the samples to each pad/sample bank.
E DELETE button
This button deletes the library selected in the list from
the hard disk.
F STORE button
This button stores a library that you edited.
G PROTECT button
Move the cursor to this button and press the [ENTER]
key to switch the Protect setting on/off for the library
selected in the list. A lock icon will be displayed to
indicate a library that is protected, and it will not be
possible to edit or delete this library.
H NEW button
This button creates a new library on the hard disk.
Move the cursor into the list, and turn the
[DATA/JOG] dial to select the library that
you want to load.
By turning on the LISTEN button and pressing a pad
1–4, you can audition the samples that are assigned to
sample bank A for each pad in that library. For details
on the library contents, refer to “Appendix.”
Move the cursor to the RECALL button and
press the [ENTER] key. A popup window
will open. Move the cursor to the ALL but-
ton, and press the [ENTER] key.
When the library has been loaded, the popup window
will automatically close.
Raise the [STEREO] fader to the 0 dB posi-
Strike pads 1–4.
You can play the samples that are assigned to sample
bank A of each pad.
Using sample libraries
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• All sample libraries initially supplied with the unit use 16-bit
samples and cannot be read into 24-bit songs.
• When the popup window is open, you can move the cursor to
the 1SAMPLE button and press the [ENTER] key to select
and load just a single sample from the library.
• Of the sample libraries saved on the hard disk when the
AW1600 is shipped, most drum pattern libraries that are set
to Loop mode have the Slice function turned on. If you load
this type of library, you only need to press the pad, and the
tempo of the drum pattern will match the tempo of the song.
This lets you use the Quick Loop Sampler similarly to a drum