48 MIXING Display Functions
Digital Recording Console 02R User’s Guide
To store your settings, use the CURSOR buttons to select the
“EXECUTE” control icon and press the [ENTER] button. The program
is stored.
When you confirm a STORE operation, any existing data in the
selected program location will be overwritten.
• RECALL – This icon is used to recall a program from the library. Select
the icon with the CURSOR buttons. Use the encoder wheel to select a
program and press the [ENTER] button. The recalled program is now
the current program.
• COPY – This icon is used to copy the name of a library program. Select
the icon with the CURSOR buttons. Use the encoder wheel to select a
program and press the [ENTER] button. The program name is copied
into an edit buffer.
• PASTE – This icon is used to paste a program name previously selected
with the COPY operation into the TITLE EDIT box. Select the icon with
the CURSOR buttons and press the [ENTER] button. The program
name is pasted from the edit buffer into the TITLE EDIT box for
subsequent editing.
• INS. – This icon is used to insert blank characters into the TITLE EDIT
box at the current cursor location. Select the icon with the CURSOR
buttons and press the [ENTER] button.
• DEL. – This icon is used to delete characters from the TITLE EDIT box
at the current cursor location. Select the icon with the CURSOR buttons
and press the [ENTER] button.
UNDO Operation
When the 02R stores or recalls a program, the previous settings are always
preserved in the UNDO buffer. If you discover you have made a mistake,
you can always recall the UNDO buffer (displayed as “U:” in the scrolling
list of programs). Use the CURSOR buttons to select the RECALL icon, then
rotate the encoder wheel until the UNDO buffer is the current program,
and press the [ENTER] button. The previous settings are restored.
Program Name
Channel program names can be up to 16 characters long and can contain
any of the following characters:
0123456789: ;<=>?
` abcdefghi j klmno
pqrs tuvwxyz { | } ~