Working with Sessions
Studio Manager for 01V96—Owner’s Manual
Working with Sessions
A Studio Manager Session consists of all 01V96 mix settings, including Scene and library
•To create a new Session, choose New Session from the File menu.
•To open a previously saved Session, choose Open Session from the File menu.
•To save the current Session, choose Save Session from the File menu.
•To save the current Session with a new name, choose Save Session as from the File menu.
Only one Session can be open at a time, so when you create a new Session, or open a previ-
ously saved Session, the message “This operation will purge current session” appears. If
there are no unsaved changes, or you do not want to save, click OK. If Studio Manager is
offline, the Session is loaded. If Studio Manager is online, the Session is loaded and the syn-
chronization dialog box appears.
Note: In order to save the settings of an optional Y56K card, in a Session, you must resynchro-
nize Studio Manager beforehand (Console–>PC).
Note: In order to protect the communication port used by Studio Manager, 01V96 communi-
cation settings (e.g., MIDI, Remote Layer, Machine Control) are not affected by PC–>Console
synchronization operations.