Stero Input Channel 11
Studio Manager for 01V96—Owner’s Manual
Stero Input Channel
A SOURCE parameter
This parameter is used to select an Input source. To select an Input
source, click the parameter and choose from the list that appears.
B Routing buttons
These buttons are used to route the Input Channel to the Bus
C STEREO button
This button is used to route the Input Channel’s signal to the
Stereo Out.
D PHASE button
This button is used to reverse the signal phase of the channel.
E EQ button
This button is used to turn on and off the Input Channel’s EQ.
F EQ curve
This display shows the Equalizer’s curve, which can be
set by dragging.
G Channel number
This is the channel number.
H AUX section
These controls are used to set the levels of the Aux Sends. To set
an Aux Send level, drag its bar or click a point along the length
of the bar. To turn an Aux Send on or off, click its number.
I Pan/Aux Send display
This display shows the stereo or surround pan position or, while
setting an Aux Send, the Aux Send level in dB.
J PAN control
This control is used to set the Input Channel’s stereo or sur-
round pan position. When the PAN CONTROL in the Master
Section is set to “STEREO,” the Pan control appears as a rotary
control, and when set to “SURR,” the control appears as dot on
a pan graph. The surround pan position can be set by dragging
the dot. If you click on the pan graph while holding down the
Shift key, the pan immediately jumps to the new position.
K LFE control
When 5.1 or 6.1 Surround mode is selected, this con-
trol is used to set the surround LFE Channel level. It
appears when the PAN CONTROL in the Master Sec-
tion is set to “SURR.” To set the LFE level, drag the end of its bar
or click a point along the length of the bar.
L SELECT button
This button is used to select either channel R or L to operate by
the PAN control (
M SOLO button
This button solos the Input Channel. It appears orange while the
channel is soloed.
N ON button
This button turns the Input Channel on and off. It appears orange
while the channel is on.