206 Chapter 16—Automix
DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
This button turns the fader motors on or off for Automix playback. The button is high-
lighted when the motors are on.
C Edit Safe buttons
The numbered buttons below each fader bar are Edit Safe buttons, which prohibit Auto-
mix recording on certain channels. A channel is set to safe and excluded from Automix
recording when its button is highlighted. However, you can play existing events and use
faders, Encoders, and [ON] buttons on safe channels. This is useful for rehearsing mix
This function is the same as that on the Automix Main page.
This button is the same as that on the Automix Main page.
The TAKEOVER and RETURN buttons are the same as those on the Automix | Main
page. The EDIT OUT section on this page also contains the TIME parameter. This
parameter determines the time required for faders to return to the levels specified by the
existing Automix data when the RETURN button is turned on.
Tip: You cannot turn off the motors during Automix recording. Even if this button is turned
off, the motors are automatically turned on when recording starts.
•You can make all channels safe simultaneously by selecting a non-highlighted button and
double-clicking the [ENTER] button. A confirmation window appears.
•You can cancel all safe channels simultaneously by selecting a highlighted button and
double-clicking the [ENTER] button. A confirmation window appears.