164 Chapter 14—Scene Memories
DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual
About Scene Numbers
Scene memories are numbered with #U or from #0 through #99. You can store Scenes in
Scene memories #1–99. When you recall a Scene, the Scene memory number (Ud, 00–99)
appears on the Scene memory display and at the top of the display page.
Scene memory #0 (#00 on the Scene memory display) is a special read-only memory
that contains the default settings of all mix parameters. To reset all mix parameters on
the DM1000 to their initial or default values, recall Scene memory #0.
Also, the Initial Data Nominal check box on the Setup | Prefer1 page (see page 266) enables
you to specify whether Input Channel faders are set to either 0 dB or –∞ dB when Scene
memory #0 is recalled.
Scene memory #U (“Ud” on the Scene memory display) is a special read-only memory
that contains the mix settings immediately before you most recently recalled or stored
a Scene. To undo or redo Scene memory recall and store operations, recall Scene memory
When you adjust parameters after recalling a Scene, the Edit indicators appear (the dot in
the Scene memory display and “EDIT” at the top of the display), indicating that the mix set-
tings no longer match those of the Scene that was most recently recalled. The contents of
the Edit Buffer (where the current mix settings are stored) are retained while the DM1000
is turned off. This allows the DM1000 to restore the edited mix settings when you turn on
the power.
The contents of recalled Scene memory
#2 match the current settings on the
DM1000, and the Edit indicator remains
The parameters of recalled Scene memory #2
were edited. Therefore, the Edit indicators
appear, indicating that the current settings on
the DM1000 do not match Scene memory #2.
Scene memory display
Edit indicator