224 www.xilinx.com PowerPC™ 405 Processor Block Reference Guide
1-800-255-7778 UG018 (v2.0) August 20, 2004
Appendix C: Processor Block Timing Model
PowerPC miscellaneous (PPC), Trace Port (TRC), JTAG, Instruction-Side On-Chip Memory
(ISOCM), and Data-Side On-Chip Memory (DSOCM), Auxiliary Processor Unit Controller
(APU, Virtex-4 only), and Fabric Coprocessor Module (FCM, Virtex-4 only).
Table C-1 associates five clocks (Virtex-II Pro) or seven clocks (Virtex-4) with their
corresponding interface blocks. All signal parameters discussed in this section are
characterized at a rising clock edge. Exceptions to this rule, such as for the JTAG signals,
are pointed out where applicable.
Timing Parameter Tables and Diagram
The following seven tables list the timing parameters as reported by the implementation
tools relative to the clocks given in Table C-1, along with the signals from the processor
block that correspond to each parameter. A timing diagram (Figure C-2) illustrates the
timing relationships.
x “Parameters Relative to the Core Clock (CPMC405CLOCK)”, Table C-2, page 225.
x “Parameters Relative to the DCR Bus Clock (CPMDCRCLK, Virtex-4 Only)”,
Table C-3, page 227.
x “Parameters Relative to the FCM Clock (CPMFCMCLK, Virtex-4 Only)”, Table C-4,
page 228.
x “Parameters Relative to the PLB Clock (PLBCLK)”, Table C-5, page 229.
x “Parameters Relative to the JTAG Clock (JTAGC405TCK)”, Table C-6, page 230.
x “Parameters Relative to the ISOCM Clock (BRAMISOCMCLK)”, Table C-7, page 230.
x “Parameters Relative to the DSOCM Clock (BRAMDSOCMCLK)”, Table C-8,
page 231.
Table C-1: Clocks and Corresponding Processor Interface Blocks
CPMC405CLOCK Main processor core clock DCR
PLBCLK Processor Local Bus clock PLB
JTAGC405TCK Clock for JTAG logic within the processor core JTAG
BRAMISOCMCLK Clock for the ISOCM Controller ISOCM
BRAMDSOCMCLK Clock for the DSOCM Controller DSOCM
(Virtex-4 only)
Device Control Register Bus Clock EXTDCR
(Virtex-4 only)
Fabric Coprocessor Module Clock APU, FCM