PowerPC™ 405 Processor Block Reference Guide www.xilinx.com 191
UG018 (v2.0) August 20, 2004 1-800-255-7778
FCM internal data hazards such as read-after-write (RAW) and write-after-write (WAW)
are eliminated if the designer ensures that all FCM instructions complete in order. This can
be done conservatively by asserting FCMAPUDONE only after each instruction has
completed. This is, however, incompatible with execution pipelining. A pipelined FCM
must handle all possible hazards internally.
APU Controller Configuration
General Configuration Register
The general configuration register defines the APU Controller’s behavior. The register is 32
bits wide. Individual bits are described in Table 4-4. For reset values, refer to Table 4-10,
page 198.
Table 4-4: APU Controller Configuration Register Bit Description
Name Bit Description
RstUDICfg 0 Reset the UDI configuration registers by loading
attribute interface signals (TIEAPUUDIn).
Reset the APU Controller Configuration register by
-(1:4)Not used.
LdStDecDis 5 Disable Load/Store instruction decoding only in
APU Controller.
UDIDecDis 6 Disable UDI instruction decoding in APU Controller.
This bit also disables load store instruction decoding.
ForceUDINonB 7 Force all UDI instructions to execute as if Non-
FPUDecDis 8 Disable FPU instruction decoding in APU
FPUCArithDis 9 Disable decoding of FPU complex arithmetic
instruction group (see “Floating Point Instructions”).
FPUConvIDis 10 Disable decoding of FPU conversion instruction
group (see “Floating Point Instructions”).
FPUEstimIDis 11 Disable decoding of FPU estimation instruction
group (see “Floating Point Instructions”).
- (12:14) Not used.
ForceFPUNonB 15 Force all FPU instructions to execute as if they are
StoreWBOK 16 Enable generation of the APUFCMWRITEBACKOK
signal for FCM Store operations (see “FCM
Instruction Flushing”).
LdStPrivOp 17 Execute Load/Store operations only in priviliged
- (18:19) Not used.