
Network Configuration
WorkCentre 6400 Multifunction Printer
System Administrator Guide
NetWare is a network operating system developed by Novell to run various services using cooperative
Before you begin:
1. Ensure an existing operational NetWare network is available
2. Verify that you have administrator rights to log in to a NetWare file server/tree.
3. Ensure the printer is connected to the network.
4. Set up a print server object using the appropriate Novell utility. Refer to the Novell system
documentation for help.
Configuring NetWare Settings
Note: If your printer is locked, you must log in as a system administrator. For details, see Accessing
CentreWare IS on page 17.
1. Click Properties > Connectivity > Protocols > NetWare.
2. Select Enabled to enable the protocol.
3. Select IP or IPX from the Filing Transport drop-down menu.
4. Select the Frame Type from the drop-down menu. Options are:
Ethernet II
Ethernet 802.2
Ethernet 802.3
5. Type a polling rate between 1 and 240 seconds for the print server in Queue Poll Interval. The
default value is 5 seconds.
6. Type the Printer Server Name. The default name is XRX_MAC address.
7. Type then retype the server password in the New Print Server Password and Retype New Print
Server Password fields. Select the Select to save new password option.
Service Advertising Protocol (SAP)
SAP facilitates dynamic adding and removing of services on an IPX internetwork. As servers start up
and shut down, they can advertise and remove their services using SAP.
1. Select Enabled to enable the protocol.
2. Type the SAP Frequency between 15 and 300 seconds or type 0 for none. The default is 60