
WorkCentre 6400 Multifunction Printer
System Administrator Guide
Server Fax
Server Fax allows you to send a fax over a network to a fax server, which then sends the fax to a fax
machine over a phone line.
Before you can send a server fax, you must configure a fax filing repository, or filing location. The fax
server retrieves the documents from the filing location and transmits them over the telephone network.
You can also print a transmission report.
Note: Only WorkCentre models 6400X and 6400XF can send a fax.
Configure a Server Fax Filing Repository
Before you can send a server fax, you must configure fax repository settings. Once configured, the
printer will transfer faxed images to the repository. The fax server will then send the fax to its
destination over the phone line.
You can set up a repository that uses one of the following protocols:
HTTP/HTTPS: A Web server using a CGI script.
SMTP: A mail server.
Configuring a Fax Repository using FTP
Before you begin:
Ensure that FTP services is running on the server or computer where images to be faxed by the
printer will be stored. Note the IP address or host name.
Create a user account and password for the printer. When the Server Fax feature is used, the
printer logs in using the account, transfers the file to the server or computer and logs out. Note the
user account and password details.
Create a directory within the FTP root to be used as a fax repository. Note the directory path.
Note: If your printer is locked, you must log in as a system administrator. For details, see Accessing
CentreWare IS on page 17.
1. In CentreWare IS, click Properties > Services > Server Fax > Fax Repository Setup.
2. Select FTP from the Protocol drop-down menu.
3. Select either IPv4 Address, IPV6 Address, or Host Name.
4. Type the appropriately formatted address and port number of the FTP location.
5. Under Document Path, type in the full path to the root location of the fax repository. For
example: /(directory name)/(directory name).
6. Under Login Credentials to Access the Destination, select System to have the system log into
the server, or Authenticated User to have your authentication server determine access.
7. Type the user account and password in the Login Name and Password fields.
8. Click Apply.