Preparing for installation
4-4 Installation Planning Guide
Applications Work with your Xerox systems analyst to determine
requirements for initial applications.
Installation planning checklist
To aid you in planning for printer installation, the following
checklist contains the tasks that you and your service
representative must complete before installation. (A copy of this
checklist also is provided in Getting Ready for Installation.) If you
have questions about any of these activities, contact your sales
or service representative.
Use the time frames in this checklist as guidelines. It is best to
consult your suppliers to determine the required lead times.
Table 4-1. Installation planning checklist
Week Activity Responsibility
-4 • Select location for the printing system.
• Order additional sets of documentation, as
• Register for Xerox Customer Education classes
and order tutorials, as necessary.
• Schedule printer delivery.
Customer and Xerox
-3 • Schedule hardware delivery.
• Prepare site:
– Ensure proper electrical outlets are installed.
– Install network to system location, if
– Install channel to system location, if
applicable. Cables must be fully populated.
– Ensure proper operating environment.
Customer and Xerox
-2 • Inspect and approve site.
• Order consumable supplies. Minimum supplies
needed for installation:
– Paper (2 cartons)
– Developer (1 carton)
– Fuser agent (2 boxes)
– Dry ink (1 carton)
After installation, you will need to establish a
procedure for ordering supplies according to your
ongoing production requirements.
Customer and Xerox
-1 • Schedule operator training. Customer and Xerox _________