
Using Over Voltage Protection (OVP)
M370046-01 3-25
Using Over Voltage Protection (OVP)
The OVP circuit protects the load in the event of an analog programming
error, an incorrect voltage control adjustment, or a power supply failure.
The OVP circuit monitors the output voltage at the output of the power
supply and will disable the output whenever a preset voltage set point is
exceeded. You can set the preset voltage trip point by using the 9-position
mode control on the front panel or via one of the remote programming
To prevent accidental tripping of the OVP while setting up, the firmware
will prevent the OVP set point from being less that 105% of the voltage
set point when in local set point control mode. When the XTR is in VAP
mode for defining voltage set point the set point limitation will be based
on the VAP input signal level. The user should note it is possible to trip
OVP in this mode if the OVP is configured when the analog programming
source is off.
When the user attempts to configure an OVP setpoint that is less than
105% of the voltage set point via the front panel the set point will stop
allowing the value to decrement. If the user attempts to configure an OVP
set point that is less than 105% of the voltage set point via SCPI a -221,
"settings conflict error" will be pushed onto the error queue.