SCPI Command Reference
A-4 M370046-01
Using SCPI Commands
This Manual shows SCPI commands in the following format:
CALibration:CURRent:LEVel {<current>|MIN|MAX}
The command is expressed as a mixture of upper- and lowercase letters.
The uppercase letters suggest how the command can be abbreviated into a
short form. SCPI commands can be sent in long or short forms. The short
form is better for data entry. The long form is better for readability.
Command strings are not case sensitive: CURR, Curr, and curr are all
acceptable abbreviations for CURRent. As for the long form, CURRENT,
Current, and current are all acceptable. It is not possible to write for
example, CALibrat:CURR:LEV because the extra first node does not
explicitly match the short or long form of the calibration node.
The command strings include punctuation. While some punctuation is
sent with the string, other markings are used to identify different elements
of the command syntax and are not sent with the string.
The following punctuation is sent with the command string:
• Colons (:) separate command keywords from lower-level keywords.
For example, CAL:CURR:STAT.
• Blank spaces separate command keywords from parameter values.
For example, CURR 0.1.
• Commas separate parameters from each other when more than one
parameter is sent in the same string. For example, CAL:STAT
• Semicolons (;) separate multiple commands from the same
subsystem. This allows for greater efficiency.
is the same as typing:
• Colons and semicolons can be used together to link commands from
different subsystems. For example:
The short form is made up of 3 or 4 letters. There can only be a
absolute short or long form. For example, it is not possible to write
CALibrat:CURR:LEV because the extra the first node does not match
explicitly the short or long form of the calibration node.