Routine calibration is carried out without opening the instrument.
Allow 10 minute warm-up before commencing calibration.
Equipment Required
A 5.5 digit multimeter with better than 0.02% accuracy on dc volts and better than 0.12%
accuracy on dc current (to 5A); alternatively use a precision shunt for current measurement.
Assign CONTROL to Output 1. To enter calibration press SHIFT, #, 99. If the instrument is a long
way out of calibration, the default calibration values should be loaded first by pressing SHIFT, #,
91. Pressing ESCAPE at anytime will abort the calibration procedure and revert to the stored
calibration values.
Having entered calibration mode, follow the table below. To increment to the next step press OK.
The calibration must be done in sequence. At the end of calibration press OK to store the
calibration. The instrument automatically sets the range and settings at each step.
Use the spin-wheel to adjust calibration; holding down the JOG SET OFF key will give x100
increments to speed up calibration. Pressing SHIFT will show the calibration value.
Repeat for Output 2.
Step/Range Settings Adjust for:- Load Detail
1, 35V 3A 0.01V 3A 10mV ± 0.5mV DVM o/p 0V
2, 35V 3A 0.01V 3A 0.010V on display DVM V readback zero
3, 35V 3A 35V 3A 35V ± 0.5mV DVM o/p V span
4, 35V 3A 35V 3A 35.000 on display DVM V readback span
5, 35V 3A 0.01V 3A 10mV ± 0.5mV DVM o/p 0V
6, 35V 3A 35V 3A 35V ± 0.5mV DVM o/p V span
7, 35V 3A 2V 0.001A 1mA ± 0.5mA milli-ammeter o/p A offset
8, 35V 3A 2V 0.001A 0.001 on display milli-ammeter A readback zero
9, 35V 500mA 2V 0.1mA 0.1mA ± 0.05mA milli-ammeter o/p mA offset
10, 35V 500mA 2V 0.1mA flashing 0.0/0.1 on display milli-ammeter mA readback zero
change load
11, 15V 5A 2V 4A 4A ± 0.5mA ammeter o/p A span
12, 15V 5A 2V 4A 4.000 on display ammeter A readback span
13, 15V 5A 2V 4.1A 4.100 on display ammeter A readback 13bit
14, 35V 500mA 2V 400mA 400mA ± 0.05mA ammeter o/p mA span
15, 35V 500mA 2V 400mA 400.0 on display ammeter mA readback span
16, 35V 500mA 2V 410mA 410.0 on display ammeter mA readback 13bit