I<n>? return the set current limit of output <n>
– response is I <n> <nr2><rmt> where <nr2> is in Amps
OVP<n>? return the voltage trip setting for output <n>
– response is VP<n> <nr2><rmt> where <nr2> is in Volts
OCP<n>? return the current trip setting for output <n>
– response is IP<n> <nr2><rmt> where <nr2> is in Amps
V<n>O? return the output readback voltage for output <n>
– response is <nr2>V<rmt> where <nr2> is in Volts
I<n>O? return the output readback current for output <n>
– response is <nr2>A<rmt> where <nr2> is in Amps
RANGE<n> <nrf> set the voltage range of output <n> to <nrf> where <nrf> has the following
0=15V(5A), 1=35V(3A), 2=35V(500mA)
RANGE<n>? return the set voltage range of output <n>
– response is R<n> <nr1><rmt> where <nr1> has the following meaning:
0=15V(5A), 1=35V(3A), 2=35V(500mA)
DELTAV<n> <nrf> set the output <n> voltage step size to <nrf> Volts
DELTAI<n> <nrf> set the output <n> current step size to <nrf> Amps
DELTAV<n>? return the output <n> voltage step size
– response is DELTAV<n> <nr2><rmt> where <nr2> is in Volts.
DELTAI<n>? return the output <n> current step size
– response is DELTAI<n> <nr2><rmt> where <nr2> is in Amps.
INCV<n> increment the output <n> voltage by the step size set for output <n>
INCV<n>V increment with verify the output <n> voltage by the step size set for output <n>
DECV<n> decrement the output <n> voltage by the step size set for output <n>
DECV<n>V decrement with verify the output <n> voltage by the step size set for output <n>
INCI<n> increment the output <n> current limit by the step size set for output <n>
DECI<n> decrement the output <n> current limit by the step size set for output <n>
OP<n> <nrf> set output <n> on/off where <nrf> has the following meaning: 0=OFF, 1=ON
set <n> to 3 to control the Auxiliary output
OPALL <nrf> Simultaneously sets all outputs on/off where <nrf> has the following meaning:
0=All OFF, 1=ALL ON.
If OPALL sets all outputs ON then any that were already on will remain ON
If OPALL sets all outputs OFF then any that were already off will remain OFF
SENSE<n> <nrf> set the output <n> sense mode where <nrf> has the following meaning:
0=local, 1=remote