Xantrex Technology Inc. PV-225208
Photovoltaic Inverter
Major Parts List
Assembly Description: Main Enclosure, Control Components, PV-225208
Xantrex Technology Assembly # 151808
Xantrex Technology Part #
1 1 - 1-151751-01 Fab, Enclosure, Upper, 2 Bay, PV225208
2 1 - 1-151775-01 Assy, PCU, W/Power Supply, PV225208
3 2 - 1-150209-02 Assy, Matrix
4 1 T1 1-151614-01 Transformer, 208:24V, 250VA, 1Phase
5 1 T2 1-151615-01 Transformer, 208:120V, 500VA, 1 Phase
6 3 T3,T4,T5 1-151774-01 Transformer, 2.4V, 5V 1-Phase
7 1 K1 1-150204-03 Contactor, 630A, 3-Phase
8 2 SSR1,SSR2 1-112129-01 SSR, 10A, 240V
9 2 C4,C5 1-111196-01 Capacitor, .15uF, 1000V, Ceramic Disc
10 1 C1 1-151782-01 Capacitor, 10 KVAR, 3P, 600V
11 7 CT1,2,3,4,5,6,8 1-113712-01 CT, Hall Effect, 500A, AC
12 2 B1,B2 1-151187-01 Fan, 1/4 HP, 208VAC, 1-Phase
13 1 B3 1-151023-01 Fan, 120V, 4", Internal
14 1 PS1 1-160006-01 Power Supply, Single Out, +15VDC
15 1 TB4 1-150343-01 Block, Terminal, 2-Pos
16 2 TB2,TB3 1-119154-01 Block, Terminal, 4-Pos, 600V
17 3 F4-12 1-112590-03 Block, Fuse, 600V, 3-Pole
18 1 F13,14 1-112590-01 Block, Fuse, 600V, 2-Pole
19 2 F7,8 1-117452-02 Fuse, 15A, 500VDC
20 4 F9-12 1-117452-07 Fuse, 6A, 500VDC
21 5 F4-6,13,14 1-117452-04 Fuse, 1A, 500VDC
22 1 S6 1-150329-01 Switch, Interlock, Door
23 1 TB1 1-150329-01 Switch, Interlock, Door
1 CT7 1-151787-01
Current, Transducer, 1000A
25 1 - 1-151750-01 Fab, Enclosure, Lower, 2 Bay, PV225208
26 2 L1,L2 1-151605-01 Reactor, 3PH, 130uH, 312 Arms
27 2 B4,B5 1-151024-01 Fan, 10", 600 CFM
2 TS1,TS2 1-151530-02
Thermostat, Disk, Snap, 157 to 169C
Xantrex Technology Part #
Enclosure Door (Not Shown)
29 1 - 1-151128-02 Assy, LCD, W/Keypad
30 1 S3 1-117906-01 Switch, On/Off, 2 Pole
2 - 1-150326-01
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