PV-225208 Photovoltaic Inverter
Operation and Maintenance Manual
Copyright 2003, Xantrex Technology Inc.
DOCUMENT: 151811
(+) terminal. The value should be the same as at the PV array string disconnect switch. It should also be
• Open all PV string disconnect switches.
• Close the isolation transformer circuit breaker.
• Verify 208 VAC voltage across the AC disconnect switch. If a phase rotation meter is available,
verify proper phase rotation at the AC disconnect switch.
• Close the AC disconnect switch.
• Verify 208 VAC voltage across the AC line fuses F1-3.
System Verification
• Upon applying 208 VAC power to the PV-225208, observe the operator interface panel. After approxi-
mately 15 seconds, the panel should finish initialization and will probably report a fault condition.
• Remedy any faults reported. To clear a fault condition, press the <ENTER> key twice. If the fault message
does not change, the fault condition is still present. Most likely, any faults seen at this point will be related
to PV-225208 safety switches. To disable the door interlock switch with the main enclosure door opened,
pull the switch shaft out. It will lock in its ‘maintenance’ position. Once all faults are cleared the system will
read ‘Sleeping’ or ‘Keyswitch Disable’ depending on the position of the On/Off switch. To re-enable
interlock, push the shaft in and close the door.
• Scroll up the menu until ‘Enter Read Parameter:’ is displayed.
• Press <Enter>, then <19>. This is line voltage frequency being read by the PCU. It should read 60.0
+0.5, -0.7.
• Verify the On/Off switch is in the ‘Off’ position.
• Close the PV array string disconnect switches.
• Close the PV-225208 DC disconnect switch.
• Press <F2> on the operator interface panel. If the PV voltage is above the PV Start Voltage setpoint,
the second line should read ‘Waking Up’. Once the PV Start Time is exceeded, the PV-225208 should
transition to ‘Power Tracking’.
• The power tracker was previously limited to 25% of PV-225208 rated power. Once the PV-225208 has
stabilized operation (approximately 20 seconds), scroll through the main operator interface panel menu.
Verify all phase voltages and currents are closely balanced.
• Scroll to ‘Enter Read Parameter:’ Press <ENTER> then <17> <ENTER> to view ground fault
current value. This value should be equal to or very close to zero. Continue to monitor this value as
the PV-225208 is commanded to higher power levels.
• Enter the write parameter menu and increase the ‘I PPT Max %’ to 50. Exit the write parameter
menu and verify all operating values are proper.
• Continue to increment ‘I PPT Max %’ to 100. Depending upon solar conditions, the PV-225208 may not
operate at full power. If the PV array is not experiencing full sun, the PV maximum power tracker will
regulate the PV voltage to maintain maximum PV power output. To determine if the PV-225208 has
reached it’s maximum power output, enter <20> at the ‘Enter Read Parameter:’ ‘0’ means the PV-225208
has not reached maximum power, contrarily, ‘1’ means the PV-225208 has reached maximum power and
executed the modified peak power tracker to limit output power.
• The PV-225208 is now fully operational.