
Auto-restart Feature
152379 Rev C 2–23
Any State Fault
If the PV100S encounters a fault, regardless of operating state, it will transition to
the Fault state. The PV100S will remain in this state until the fault condition has
been remedied and cleared. The Fault Code number will appear on the first line of
the LCD. A description of the fault will show on the second line. The third line of
the LCD will read “
F1 to Clear Fault?”. The fourth line shows the goal state.
To clear the fault:
1. See Table 4-1, “Fault Codes” on page 4–4 for a complete listing of Fault
Codes and possible remedies. Correct the fault condition if possible and
attempt to clear the fault by pressing “F1”.
2. The ability to clear the fault can only be done from the R
EAD Menu. If a fault
occurs while accessing the W
RITE Menu, pressing <MENU> once will return
to the Read Menu, and “
F1 to Clear Fault” will appear on the third line of
the LCD display.
Auto-restart Feature
In the event of a utility voltage or frequency excursion outside of those specified
in Table A-3 on page A–3, the PV100S will automatically transition to a Fault
condition. Once the Utility recovers for a period of five minutes, the PV100S will
automatically clear the fault, then resume normal operation.
Figure 2-8
LCD showing Fault Code
LCD Display showing
Fault Code
UFCU Keypad
Fault: 0070
F1 to Clear Fault
Goal: PWR Tracking