60 Xanbus Automatic Generator Start (AGS) Owner’s Guide
Configuration of the Xanbus AGS
Restore Defaults
The "Restore Defaults" returns the AGS to the factory default settings.
Purpose The "GenMode" menu item controls the current operating mode
of the AGS.
Considerations Use GenMode when it is necessary to switch between
automatic generator control and manual generator control.
When the Xanbus system powers up all network-enabled devices, the AGS
is in ManualOff mode. To enable automatic generator starts, the AGS must
be put in “Automatic” mode.
Automatic Mode
To have the AGS start and stop the generator automatically, select
Automatic. The generator can start and stop automatically in response to
low battery voltage, AC loads on the inverter, thermostat triggers, or
exercise time. Automatic mode also has a Quiet Time feature, which
prevents the generator from starting during evening hours or other
inconvenient times (see “QT Begin” on page 41, “QT End” on page 42, and
“Using Quiet Time” on page 66).
Value Description
Automatic Automatic mode
ManualOn Manual on mode
ManualOff Manual off mode (default mode)