42 Xanbus Automatic Generator Start (AGS) Owner’s Guide
Configuration of the Xanbus AGS
QT End
Full name Quiet Time End
Purpose "QT End" is a changeable setting that defines the end of quiet
This setting also requires a setting for "QT Begin".
Dependencies "QT End" functions only if the AGS is in Automatic
mode. This setting requires "QT En" be set to [Enabled] and also requires a
setting for "QT Begin".
Ensure the clock on the Xanbus System Control Panel (SCP) is set to the
correct local time.
Gen Type
Full name Generator Type
Purpose "Gen Type" selects the starting requirements of the generator.
The starting requirements determine how the AGS must be wired to the
generator’s starting system. For more information, see “Connecting the
Generator” on page 14 or Appendix B.
Value Description
12:00AM to
11:59PM (12-hour
00:00 to 23:59
(24-hour clock)
At the time set for "QT End" the AGS will be
able to automatically start the generator again. If
a start trigger has occurred during quiet time and
is still active, the generator will start immediately
after quiet time ends.
"Gen Type" can only be changed after the system is put
into Standby. See “Putting the AGS in Standby Mode” on page 67.
Table 4
Generator Type Descriptions
For Technical Details, see.
Type 1 GlowStop page 15
Type 2 GlowStop with no preheat page 16
Type 3 GlowStop with shutdown bypass page 17
Type 4 StartStop with Relay 3 prime page 18
Type 5 StartStop with Relay 3 preheat page 19
Type 6 GlowStop with normally closed RunStop contact page 20
Type 7 Run with preheat page 21
Type 8 Run with no preheat page 22
Type 9 StartStop with Relay 3 preheat and shutdown
page 23
Type 10 StartStop page 24
Type 11 MomentaryRun page 25