10/97 Fltman.pm65
The optional Fleet Power Remote
Control Panel provides a power switch,
system status LEDs, DC Volts and DC Amps
LED bargraphs. On the back of the remote
is a set of dip switches which allow adjust-
ment of the following:
• Manual Initiation of Equalize Charging
• Ambient Battery Temperature
• Battery Type
• Charger Mode (Auto or Controlled)
• Power Sharing
Circuit Breaker Protection
Fleet Power Inverter/Chargers are
circuit breaker protected.
The Fleet Power 1000 has a 12 Amp
INV/CHG circuit breaker on the front of the
unit that protects against sustained inverter
overloads over 1440 watts and the AC input
to the battery charger. The 15 Amp INPUT
circuit breaker on the unit protects the
incoming AC circuit which is transferred
through to the loads via the GFCI.
The Fleet Power 2000 has a 25 Amp
INV/CHG circuit breaker that protects
against sustained inverter overloads over
3000 watts and the AC input to the battery
charger. .
The Fleet Power 2500 has a 30 Amp
OUTPUT circuit breaker on the unit that
protects against sustained inverter over-
loads over 3600 watts. The 30 Amp circuit
breaker protects the incoming AC leg which
feeds the battery charger.
The 30 Amp TRANSFER circuit breaker
on the units protect the incoming AC circuit
which is transferred through to the loads
connected by the hardwire output.
The 15 Amp circuit breaker protects the
GFCI outlet on the Fleet Power 1000 and
2000 models. When a circuit breaker trips,
the circuit breaker is reset by pushing the
button back in.
Electronic Protection
Fast acting electronic circuits protect
the inverter from extreme overloads and
short circuits. Other protection includes a
low and high battery cutoff and automatic
shutdown if over temperature occurs. The
fault condition must be eliminated before
reset will occur. Example: remove over-
load, recharge batteries or allow to cool.
Reset by cycling the power switch OFF/ON.
Power Sharing
When connected to shorepower or
using a generator, the battery charger and
transfer functions are engaged. A unique
power sharing feature automatically reduces
the AC consumption of the battery charger
allowing necessary AC power to the load.
This prevents the circuit breaker from trip-
ping. This feature can be adjusted using
the remote control panel. This feature is set
at the transfer rating of each unit by default.
Fleet Power 2000 shown.