10/97 Fltman.pm65
15. If multiple battery banks are to be
charged, a battery selector switch can be
installed, allowing the banks to be charged
either individually or simultaneously. A
solenoid can also be used.
10. If installing in a system which in-
cludes an existing battery charger or con-
verter, make sure these do not operate
from the inverter output AC power. This
sets up a power loop which, due to ineffi-
ciencies, will quickly drain the batteries.
11. Make sure all wiring conforms to
local and national electrical codes. If in
doubt, consult with a qualified electrician.
12. Keep the overall length of each
battery cable less than 10 feet. If needed,
attach short extension cables. Do not use
frame ground or a ground bonding system
as a current carrying conductor. Run the
negative cable directly to the battery bank.
If the positive and negative cables run
parallel to each other, twist the cables
together. This will minimize the adverse
effects of inductance.
13. To meet electrical codes, a fuse
must be installed in the positive battery
cable within 18 inches of the battery post.
This fuse is intended to protect the battery
and cables against a dead short circuit.
The inverter is protected internally and will
not blow a properly sized fuse.
14. DC wiring is generally very simple,
the positive and negative cables from the
inverter/charger are connected to the house
or auxiliary battery. In the case of multiple
batteries the interconnecting jumper cables
must be of the same AWG as those sup-
plied with the inverter/charger.
For safety purposes, the chassis of
the inverter/charger must be connected
to your AC ground system. The chassis
ground bonding lug is located on the bottom
of the unit. This connector can accept two
wires, the first is used to connect the unit to
AC ground, the second can be used to
connect other AC equipment to ground.
Use bare copper insulated wire, solid or
stranded. Strip one end and use a screw-
driver to secure it to the chassis ground
bonding lug. This wire will connect to the
ground in your AC electrical system, typi-
cally the vehicle chassis. Make sure the
connection is clean and tight.
Do not mount the unit in an enclosed
battery compartment. Take precautions
to keep road dirt and spray off the unit.