<E/W> Character denothing either E = East or W = West.
s.s Speed in knots.
h.h Heading.
ddmmyy UTC Date of the fix.
dd = day of month
mm = month
yy = year
d.d Magnetic variation in degrees, i.e. difference between
geometrical and magnetic north direction.
<E|W> Letter denothing direction of magnetic variation. Either E =
East or W = West.
M Mode indicator
N=data not valid
*hh Check sum
xxmm.dddd Latitude coordinate.
xx = degrees.
mm = minutes.
dddd = decimal part of minutes.
<N|S> Character denothing either N = North or S =South.
yyymm.dddd Longitude coordinate.
yyy = degrees.
mm = minutes.
dddd = decimal part of minutes.
<E|W> Character denothing either E = East or W = West.
hhmmss.dd UTC time of the fix.
hh = hours.
mm = minutes.
ss = seconds.
dd = decimal part of seconds.
S Status indicator
A = valid
V = invalid