$GPGSV,n,m,ss,xx,ee,aaa,cn,…………. ,xx,ee,aaa,cn*hh<CR><LF>
n Total number of messages, 1 to 3
m Message number, 1 to 3
ss Total number of satellites in view
xx Satellite ID (PRN) number
ee Satellite elevation, degrees 90 max
aaa Satellite azimuth, degrees True, 000 to 359
cn Signal-to-noise rations (C/No) 00~60 dB-Hz. Value of zero
means that the satellite is predicted to be on the visible sky
but it isn't being tracked.
*hh Check sum
hhmmss.dd UTC time of the fix.
hh = hours.
mm = minutes.
ss = seconds.
dd = decimal part of seconds.
S Status indicator
A = valid
V = invalid
Latitude coordinate.
xx = degrees.
mm = minutes.
dddd = decimal part of minutes.
<N/S> Character denothing either N = North or S =South.
Longitude coordinate.
yyy = degrees.
mm = minutes.
dddd = decimal part of minutes.