Basic Configuration
5.8.2. Remote Port and AUX Port Configuration
In most applications, it is not necessary to change the configuration of the Remote Port
or AUX Port. If you do not intend to use the Remote or AUX ports, or if you intend to use
the Remote Port and AUX Ports for connection to the optional MPC-DISPLAY unit and
additional MPC units, then the factory default settings for these ports will work fine and
you will not need to change the configuration of these ports.
Note however, that in addition to their default functions (connection to the MPC-DISPLAY
unit or additional MPC units), the Remote and AUX Ports can also be configured to allow
serial communication with Console Ports on attached devices. In this case, you must
reconfigure the MPC's Remote and/or AUX Ports as follows:
• Text Interface: Type /P AUX and then press [Enter]. The Remote/AUX Port
Parameters menu will be displayed as shown in Figure 5.15.
• Web Browser Interface: Click the "Serial Port" link on the left hand side of the
screen. From the Serial Port Configuration menu, use the dropdown menu to select
"Aux" and then click on the Select Port button to display the Remote/AUX Port
Configuration Menu, as shown in Figure 5.16.
The Remote/AUX Port Configuration menus allow the following parameters to be
defined. Note that all of these parameters are available via both the Text Interface and
Web Browser Interface, and that parameters selected via one interface are also applied
to the other.
• Port Function: Determines whether each port will be used for connection to
optional MPC devices, or used for serial communication.
(Default: Remote Port = "Remote"; AUX Port = "AUX".)
• In the default state all other Remote/AUX Port parameters are inaccessible.
When the Remote/AUX Mode is selected for a port, additional menu items for
that port will then be activated.
• When the Remote and/or AUX Ports are used for serial communication,
Alarms will be temporarily suppressed whenever the ports are connected.
• If the AUX port is already connected to an AUX MPC unit, then you will need
to re-initialize the AUX unit before configuring the AUX port as a serial port.
Access your local MPC unit via the Text Interface and then issue the /I
(initialize) command at your local MPC unit. When the submenu appears,
select the AUX port that you intend to reconfigure as a serial port. After the
command is completed, disconnect the AUX MPC unit from the AUX port and
then reconfigure the AUX port as described in this section.
• When an AUX or Remote port is set for Serial Port mode, then accounts
that permit access to that port will be allowed to invoke the /C command to
connect to the port as described in Section 9.2.4.