Basic Configuration
5.6.1. Viewing Plug Groups
The "View Plug Group Directory" option allows you to view the configuration of each
Plug Group. Note that the View Plug Group Directory function is only available when
you have accessed command mode using a password that permits Administrator Level
commands. To view Plug Group details, proceed as follows:
• Text Interface: Type /G and press [Enter] to display the Plug Group Directory
menu. From the Plug Group Directory menu, type 1 and press [Enter]. The MPC
will display a screen which lists all defined Plug Groups. Key in the name of the
Plug Group that you need to review and then press [Enter].
• Web Browser Interface: Click the "Plug Group Directory" link on the left hand
side of the screen to display the Plug Group Directory menu. From the Plug Group
Directory menu, click the "View/Modify Plug Group" link. The MPC will display
a menu that allows you to select the desired Plug Group and directory function.
Select the "View Plug Group" button, and then click on the down arrow, scroll to the
desired Plug Group, select the Plug Group, and then click "Choose Plug Group" to
view the selected Plug Group.