Waves Doubler software guide page 4 of 6
MODULATION DEPTH: –200 to +200 in cents. Default: 0.
Positive values will start by modulating upwards, negative values will start off
modulating downwards. The modulation will always occur around the voice’s
nominal detune so if you set a detune of 10 and a Mod Depth of 10, the voice
will begin by going upward 10 cents and then downward 20 cents, reaching
10 cents below the nominal detune.
MODULATION RATE: 0.1 to 200Hz. Default: 1Hz.
This value sets the voice’s pitch modulation rate. At 1Hz the modulation will
complete a full cycle in 1 second.
The Direct signal controls
ON/OFF: Default: On.
Turns the voice on or off.
GAIN: 0 to –48dBfs. Default: –12.
Sets the gain of the voice in relation to the other voices. The master gain can
further change the actual output gain of all voices.
PAN: –45 to +45 degrees. Default: V1 22.5, V2 –22.5, V3 45, V4 –45.
+45deg is fully right. –45deg is fully left. 0 is in the middle. In Stereo sources
the Pan for the direct will actually behave as a Rotation control for the whole
stereo image.
EQ Controls
The Doublers EQ section offers a Hi Shelf and Low Shelf filter. These filters
will affect the Doubler’s voices, but not the direct signal. The controls for the
filter are as follows:
N/OFF: Default: On.
These turn the filter on and off allowing a quick A/B comparison to an EQ
setting in relation to no EQ. Double clicking on the Graph markers will also
turn the filter on and off.
GAIN: +12dB to –24dB
The Shelf can boost all that beyond its corner frequency by up to 12dB. It can
cut down much lower than that, down to -24dB, at which point the filter floor
drops to make a cut filter.