Waves Doubler software guide page 3 of 6
Chapter 2 – Controls and Displays.
The Doubler offers a selection of controls and displays as an interface to the
DSP algorithm. This chapter lists the different controls and displays and
details the properties of each.
Per-Voice Control Strips
Each voice control strip offers the following controls:
ON/OFF: Default: On.
Turns the voice on or off.
GAIN: 0 to –48dBFS. Default: –12.
Sets the gain of the voice in relation to the other voices. The master gain can
further change the actual output gain of all voices.
PAN: –45 to +45 degrees. Default: V1 22.5, V2 –22.5, V3 45, V4 –45.
+45 degrees is fully right. –45 degrees is fully left. 0 is in the middle.
DELAY: 0 to 100 milliseconds. Default: 8ms.
Specifies the delay of the voice in relation to the direct signal. Note that the
lowest value possible depends on the settings of the Align Direct and Range
parameters. When the direct signal is aligned, the minimal delay possible at
any range is 0 because the direct signal is delayed to align with the natural
latency. When the Direct signal is real time, the minimal delay for range 80Hz
is 8ms and for 20Hz is 14ms.
FEEDBACK: 0 to 100 percent. Default: 0%.
Specifies the percentage of gain to be fed back to the input. Be careful when
setting values above 25%. These can lead to run-away feedback and loud
noises that can harm delicate equipment.
OCTAVER: On/Off. Default: off.
This switch shifts the voice 1 octave down along with all the other settings.
The button will light a downward arrow to indicate that the Octaver is On.
DETUNE: –100 to +100 cents.
100 cents equals a semitone. Use this control to set the voice’s detune in
relation to the source. Slight detunes of 2 to 12 cents tend to sound relatively
in tune while higher values begin to sound off and out of tune.