
Waves LinMB software guide page 24 of 28
Chapter 7 – Factory Presets.
Here is a recommended order for adjusting a preset, even if you have no
intention of “using presets”. They are merely good places to start. Create your
own library by using our User Preset command in the Save Menu.
• The first step should be to adjust the nominal threshold for each band
according to the energy in that band. Set the threshold arrow to the top of the
metered energy, then select Auto makeup and adjust the master threshold
control downward.
• Adjust the Master Range control for more or less dynamic processing
(changes ratio and amount of processing simultaneously).
• Next, adjust each of the band’s Thresholds to get the desired amount of
processing in each band.
• Next, fine-tune the Attack and Release controls. Longer attacks may
mean you have to adjust the Threshold downward to maintain the action you
want (and shorter ones may mean you need to raise it).
• Next, if needed, adjust the Gain of each band to rebalance the compressed
Factory presets are designed to provide nice starting points for different
applications. As the thresholds are really program related the default will have
all thresholds at 0dB and it is for the user to adjust the nominal thresholds.
The Factory presets when loaded will maintain the user defined thresholds
and load all other parameters according to the preset.
Full Reset
This is also the default setting that LinMB opens with when you first insert it
on the TDM bus. It is a easily adjustable setup with moderate Range. The
Gain is set to zero so that it is essentially unity gain for low-level sounds.
Band 1 is set for low bass, to eliminate modulation distortion.
Band 2 does the Low-mids.
Band 3 does the Hi-mids.
Band 4 is in a de-esser.
Band 5 is the air band limiter.
Although the Threshold is not yet set, a little bit of attenuation may already be
apparent if the energy in any of the bands is high enough the soft knee will
apply attenuation to signals –3dB and above.
Basic multi
Based on the default setting above, this setup uses deeper thresholds, plus it
has a positive Gain of +4, so it is closer to a unity gain when bypassing for
most mixed pop material with peaks between -6 and -2dBFS.
Hard basic
Master Range is bigger, so the ratio is higher and there is more compression.
However, the attack times are slower than in Basic Multi, so the transients are
still quite present and untouched. A punchy preset.