Waves LinMB software guide page 12 of 28
Sets the overall output gain. The double precision process assures no input or
internal clipping so this gain is used at the output to prevent clipping.
The Auto Trim button updates the peak value and when clicked it adjusts the
output gain control to trim the margin so that the peak will equal the full digital
scale. For precise clip prevention let the program or at least its high gain parts
pass through. When clipping occurs the clip light will light up and the Trim
control box will update the peak value. Now click the Trim button to lower the
gain by the peak value.
The double precision 48bit process can handle overflows. The result however
comes out at 24bit back to the host application’s audio buss. Some native
Hosts may output 32 Floating point output to the mixer or to the next plug-in,
this is the only case where we would recommend not to use the dither. The
Dither control adds dithering back to the 24
bit rather then just rounding
which will be the case when the Dither is off. The dither’s noise and suspected
quantization noise when with no dither, will be very low. The dither however
can let your 24bit result virtually have a perceived 27bit resolution. Any
introduced noise will be further boosted by Limiting the output (With L2 off
course) so we did not want to commit the users to the dither noise and allow it
to be turned off.
In any case, the noise may prove to be well beneath the program’s floor and
audible only at extreme monitoring levels, tucked within the noise floor of the
reinforcement system. Normalizing dithered silence may boost the dither to
terrible noise that is completely out of context. When analyzing non dithered
silence it should remain quite silent, but this does not mean this mode is
superior. The Dither is on by default and its use is recommended unless you
know your host passes 32bit audio back to the host.
Global Behavior Settings
These settings will apply global dynamics process behavior which will
influence the per band compression properties.
-inf.=Off – +12dB. Default – off.
The Adaptive control sets the sensitivity of a band to the energy in its Masker-
the band below. The control uses a dB scale. The behavior will be that when
there is high energy in a certain band the threshold will be lifted for the band
above it to de-mask it. Read more about Adaptive Thresholds and de masking
in chapter 3.
ARC or Manual. Default – ARC.