
Online at vxitech.com 949 • 955 • 1VXI
The VT1415A and VT1422A are C-size, single-slot, VXI modules
capable of either multi-function input/output (data acquisition)
or powerful control capabilities. They serve as powerful data
acquisition modules that handle analog input/output and digital
input/output in both static and dynamic modes. The digital
capability includes the ability to set or sense static states, to
measure input frequency and period, to totalize, and to input or
output PWM and FM signals. Refer to the VXI Technology Website
for instrument driver availability and downloading instructions, as
well as for recent product updates, if applicable.
Algorithmic Closed Loop Controller - VT1415A
More powerful than PID controllers and easier to implement than
large custom control systems, the VT1415A fills a unique niche in
the data acquisition and control field, providing both control and
precise data acquisition. Applications include:
• PID control of stimulus loops such as hydraulic actuators,
levers, rotational devices as in structural test
• PID control of temperature, position, velocity, acceleration and
• Complex control such as cascade loops in thermal cooling
jackets, ratio
• Independent loops with multi-level alarms.
The design of the on-board, DSP firmware assures the user that all
inputs, all calculations, and all outputs can be completed between
scan triggers. This means there is no drift, or jitter in the critical
time intervals that are used to calculate integrals and derivatives in
control algorithms.
The firmware allows a user to employ pre-written PID control
algorithms, modify them for specific application needs, or to write
an application from scratch. Low duty-cycle connection to the host
computer allows interaction between the host and real-time DSP
so the user can update algorithms, change tuning constants, or do
envelope control. Limited host computer interaction leads to very
high performance (8-loops, update rate 1000/second per loop with
simple PID calculation included).
Multi-function Data Acquisition & Control Module - VT1422A
The VT1422A is a module that is essentially the same as the
VT1415A and has all of the same data acquisition and control
capabilities as the VT1415A, plus some additional features.
Algorithmic Closed Loop Controller and
Remote Channel Multifunction
Powerful Data Acquisition Capability
Powerful Control Capability
Comprehensive On-board Signal
Custom On-board DSP Program
Wide Choice of Input/Output
Signal Types
Large Channel-count Strain Signal
Conditioning and Measurement