
124 Programming the VT1422A for Data Acquisition and Control Chapter 4
ROUTe:SEQuence:DEFine accepts both on-board channels from
conventional SCPs as well as remote channels from Remote Signal
Conditioning Units (RSCUs). For details about syntax see “Channel List
(Standard Form)” starting on page 231 and “ROUTe:SEQuence:DEFine”
on page 323.
Note Certain analog input SCPs display higher than normal offset and noise
figures if their channels are scanned just before channels on a Remote
Signal Conditioning Unit. To avoid any such interaction, the scan list
should be order in such a way that all remote channels (5-digit channel
numbers) appear before any on-board channels (3-digit channel numbers).
Example Scan List
To set up a scan list to take measurements on all on-board channels of a
conventional SCP in position 0 and all remote channels of four VT1529A/Bs
connected to two VT1539A SCPs in SCP positions 1 and 2:
ROUT:SEQ:DEF (@100:107,10800:11731)
Controlling Scan List
Data Destination
Readings taken on channels specified by ROUT:SEQ:DEF by default go to
both the FIFO buffer and the CVT. By using another form of the <ch_list>
parameter this data destination can be controlled to be the CVT, the FIFO,
or even neither (no reading stored). For more on controlling data destination,
See “ROUTe:SEQuence:DEFine” on page 323.
Example Scan List with controlled data destination
To set up a scan list as above but send the remote channel readings only to
the FIFO buffer:
ROUT:SEQ:DEF (@100:107,2(10800:11731))