This models a popular analog phaser that was packaged in a banana-yellow
TAP “SPEED” Adjusts the modulation speed in a range of
0.1...10 [Hz].
EDIT1 [EDIT] “DEPTH” Adjusts the depth of modulation.
EDIT2 [TAP+EDIT] “SPEED” Lets you use the knob to make fine adjustments
in the speed.
“RESONANCE” Adjusts the amount of resonance.
This models a rotary speaker.
TAP “SPEED” Adjusts the modulation speed in a range of
0.8...10 [Hz].
EDIT1 [EDIT] “DEPTH” Adjusts the depth of modulation.
EDIT2 [TAP+EDIT] “SPEED” Lets you use the knob to make fine adjustments
in the speed.
This models a popular tremolo circuit that was built into US-made amps.
TAP “SPEED” Adjusts the modulation speed in a range of
2.5...10 [Hz].
“DEPTH” Adjusts the depth of tremolo.
EDIT2 [TAP+EDIT] “SPEED” Lets you use the knob to make fine adjustments
in the speed.
This is a pitch shifter that allows chords to be input, and provides a maximum
pitch change of one octave upward or downward.
TAP “PITCH” Specifies the pitch. Each time you press TAP,
the pitch shift amount will cycle between –12,
–7, –5, DT, 5, 7, and 12 (DT: detune).
EDIT1 [EDIT] “LEVEL” Adjusts the balance between the direct sound
and effect sound.
EDIT2 [TAP+EDIT] “PITCH” Lets you adjust the pitch in semitone steps in a
range of –12 to 12.
This simulates the spring reverb that is built into guitar amps. Use the [REVERB]
knob to adjust the mix amount for the reverb sound. If you don’t want to use
reverb, turn the [REVERB] knob all the way to the left so that the mix amount is 0.
NOTE: The VT15/30’s reverb operates independently of the other effects.
Pressing the [BYPASS] switch will not bypass the reverb.