Creating and saving sounds
You can create a sound either by starting with an existing program that’s close to
what you have in mind and then editing it, or by creating the sound “from scratch”
(i.e., from an initialized state).
Creating a sound
Here’s how to create a sound from scratch.
1. Either select a program in Preset mode or Channel Select mode, or put the VT15/30
in Manual mode.
HINT: It doesn’t matter which program you select, since you’re creating the
sound from scratch.
2. Use the [BYPASS] switch to bypass the effect (the BYPASS LED will be lit). Turn the
[REVERB] knob all the way to the left to disable the reverb. If you want to use an
effect, you’ll add it last.
3. Use the [AMP] switch/selector to select the amp that you want to use.
HINT: For details on the amp models, refer to “Explanation of the amps and
effects” (p.18).
Adjust the top panel knobs such as [GAIN], [VOLUME], [TREBLE], [MIDDLE], and [BASS].
5. While holding down the [TAP] switch, turn the [EDIT] knob to set the noise reduc-
tion. This setting is also saved in the program. For details, refer to “Adjusting the
noise reduction” (p.15).
HINT: Adjust the noise reduction so that there’s no unwanted noise when you’re
not playing your guitar.
6. If you want to add an effect, press the [BYPASS] switch once again to defeat bypass
(the BYPASS LED will be dark).
7. Select the desired effect, and adjust it as desired.
For example if you want to add delay, turn the [EFFECT] selector to “DELAY.” If the selec-
tor is already at “DELAY,” turn it to some other effect type and then back to “DELAY.”
Use the [TAP] switch and [EDIT] knob to set the delay time or delay mix (the amount
of delay sound that is added).
Press the [TAP] switch twice (at the desired timing interval), or turn
the [EDIT] knob while holding down the [TAP] switch. (EDIT 2)
DELAY MIX: Turn the [EDIT] knob (without holding down a switch). (EDIT 1)
DELAY FEEDBACK: Turn the [EDIT] knob while holding down the [BYPASS] switch.
(EDIT 3)