Maintenance and service
Volvo service
Volvo service programme
Before the car left the factory, it was thor-
oughly test driven. It was checked again in
accordance with Volvo Car Corporation reg-
ulations before it was handed over to you.
To keep your Volvo as safe and reliable as
possible, follow the Volvo service programme
specified in the Service and Warranty Book-
let. Have an authorised Volvo workshop carry
out service and maintenance work. Volvo
workshops have the personnel, special tools
and service literature to guarantee the high-
est quality of service.
Special service measures
Certain service measures, which affect the
car’s electrical system, can only be per-
formed using electronic equipment specially
developed for your car. Always contact an
authorised Volvo workshop before beginning
or performing service work that affects the
electrical system.
Installing accessories
The incorrect connection and installation of
accessories can negatively affect the car’s
electrical system. Certain accessories only
function when the appropriate software has
been programmed into the car’s electrical
system. Always contact an authorised Volvo
workshop before installing accessories
which are connected to or affect the electri-
cal system.
Recording vehicle data
One or more of the computers in your Volvo
are capable of recording detailed information.
This information is intended for use in
research to enhance safety and for diagnos-
ing faults in some of the in-car systems. The
data may include details regarding seatbelt
use by the driver and passengers, the func-
tions of various vehicle systems and modules,
and status information about the engine,
throttle, steering, brakes and other systems.
This data can also include details of the way
the car is driven. This type of information can
include, without being limited to, specific
details such as vehicle speed, the use of the
brake and accelerator pedals and steering
wheel position. This latter type of data can be
stored for a limited period while the car is
being driven and subsequently during a colli-
sion or a near-collision. Volvo Car Corpora-
tion will not disclose the stored information
without consent. However, Volvo Car Corpo-
ration may be forced to disclose the informa-
tion due to national legislation. Volvo Car
Corporation and its workshops may also read
and use the information.
For the Volvo warranty to apply, check
and follow the instructions in the Service
and Warranty Booklet.