Locks and alarm
Keys and remote controls
1. Master key
This key opens all locks.
2. Service key
This key is for the front door, ignition
switch and steering wheel lock only.
Keys – Electronic immobiliser
Your car is delivered with two master keys
and one service key
. One of the master keys
is collapsible and equipped with an inte-
grated remote control.
Loss of key
If you should lose one of your keys, bring the
remaining keys to an authorised Volvo work-
shop. As a crime prevention measure, the
code for the lost key is erased from the
system and the other keys must be re-coded
in the system.
The key blades’ unique code is available at
authorised Volvo workshops, which can pro-
duce new key blades.
A maximum of six remote controls/key blades
can be programmed and used for one single
Electronic Immobiliser
The keys are equipped with coded chips.
This code must match the reader in the igni-
tion switch. The car can only be started if the
correct key with the correct code is used.
NOTE! The master key blade (1) must be fully
extended (as illustrated) when starting the
car. Otherwise there is a risk that the immobi-
liser function will prevent the car from
Ignition keys and electronic immobiliser
The ignition key must not hang with other
keys or metal objects on the same key ring.
The electronic immobiliser could be activated
erroneously and the car will not start.
1. Certain markets only.