
06 Starting and driving
Active chassis – FOUR-C
Active chassis – FOUR-C
FOUR-C switch in the centre
console (not S60 R)
The car is equipped with an
extremely advanced active
chassis system – Continu-
ously Controlled Chassis
Concept – that is regulated electronically.
The functions of the system are based on a
number of sensors that continually monitor
the car’s movements and reactions, such as
vertical and lateral acceleration, vehicle
speed and wheel movements.
The FOUR-C control unit analyses data from
the sensors and performs the necessary
shock absorber setting adjustments up to
500 times per second. This results in ex-
tremely fast and accurate individual shock
absorber control, which contributes to varia-
tions in chassis characteristics.
Chassis characteristics can be modified at
any time while driving, when the nature of the
road changes or when you desire a change in
driving style. This change occurs in a matter
of milliseconds.
The effect produced by pressing the acceler-
ator pedal is linked to your choice of chassis
characteristics. (only applies to R-models).
Comfort mode adjusts the chassis setting so
that the body is insulated from uneven sec-
tions of the road surface, which allows for
better "glide". Shock absorption is softer and
body movements are minimal. This setting is
recommended for long-distance driving or
driving on slippery road surfaces.
When the ignition is switched off in Comfort
setting, the chassis will resume the same
mode when the car is re-started.
In Sport mode, steering responses are
quicker than in Comfort mode. Damping is
harder and the body follows the road surface
to minimise rolling during quick cornering.
The car feels sportier.
When the ignition is switched off in Sport
setting, the chassis will resume the same
mode when the car is re-started.
FOUR-C switch (S60 R)
In Advanced mode, shock absorber move-
ments are minimal and optimised for maxi-
mum traction. Acceleration response is more
direct, the automatic gearbox shift schedule
is sporty, and roll during cornering is mini-
mised. This setting is recommended for flat,
even road surfaces only.
When the ignition is switched off in
Advanced setting, the chassis will resume
the Sport mode when the car is re-started.
Option in certain markets. Standard on S60 R.
Only available on S60 R.